Saturday, April 11, 2015

Battle Cry - Charge

“Charge” – Creating your own battle cry to discover your personal potential.

The One Thing is a repetitive concept in my vocabulary – “holding yourself accountable”. How will you activate or action your purpose on a daily basis? Finding your own battle cry to charge yourself up activating your goals and purpose.  How can this be accomplished with conflicting priorities in your own life – discover your personal potential.


Understanding what your purpose is in life is a journey of self-discovery that encompasses both personal and professional goals. The concept has been the topic of movies, articles and a myriad of other media platforms. While many people relate the concept of One Thing to the City Slicker movie of the 1990s, it is more than finding your purpose. 


People instinctively know what matters most. The objective is to get out of your comfort zone and stretch. Ask for help in your journey from family, friends and colleagues.   Planning does not require a great deal of time, just the discipline of holding yourself accountable for your own success or failure.  I have used the phrase start-to-start as a catalyst to get moving.  


Think about this, if you have a goal short-term or long-term what is the ONE THING you can do today to advance that goal forward?


Start in the morning, the weekend prior and plan out your actions – be consistent in your planning time.  Quiet your mind from all of the racing thoughts that percolate throughout your life.  This time is truly for you and seeing yourself for what you have the potential to become.  This is not the time for anxiety to come knocking at your door, where second-guessing sends you streaming for your old comfort zones. People who doubt themselves, lack trust in their own intuition find themselves far from where they want to be. 


Many people often confuse a big checklist or to-do list as a plan of attack (well actually it is part of it), but it starts with your mindset. I’m not concerned with avoiding distraction every minute of every day.  Your focus does not mean perfection, perfection is elusive – search for excellence and the discipline to drive your actions on a daily basis.



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