Monday, October 21, 2013

Being the Bar - Breakingthrough Goals

What does it mean to be succeed? Does it mean reaching a goal - or is it something related to consistency, maintainance and perseverance? So much of it is based on character, as one of my good friends and I discussed today, character is physical manifestation of intent and action.

We have predetermined notions of what is possible based on prior efforts and your own parameters. Limiting your objectives means you will Limit the actions to accomplish your goal. I see so many people underestimate themselves in what they can truly accomplish. When you limit yourself on goals you will limit your success - are you willing to put in the time? You can blame a ton of people to rationalize where you are in life. Blame yourself - tomorrow is a new day to commit yourself.

Setting massive goals, require massive thoughts and those thoughts require massive actions - pure and simple.

You may have to do things other people think are unreasonable to surpass your own goals.  Being unreasonable is about doubling, tripling, quadrupling your effort on a goal that is grounded in solid moral character and ethics.

Let's stop competing and start delivering excellence - herd mentality negates much of what can be accomplished. 

I used a latin phrase Fortuna Juvat "Fortune favors the Bold", in a recent discussion with a mentee and thought long and hard about that phrase. If marketplace only recognizes excellence, my question is simple what are you doing to manage your energies to focus on excellence? Stay focused on your own targets bold goals.

As long as you are alive you will do one of two things; accomplishing your goals or be used to accomplish someone else's goals. Focus on success that builds upon itself. Remember setting massive goals, require massive thoughts and those thoughts require massive actions - pure and simple.

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