Saturday, January 11, 2014

Start to Start or you can just wait for Perfect

"Start to Start" -  Start your journey, your education today, if you are not moving and learning you are stagnating.

Every success story in history can be traced back to a small first step. So many people look for the perfect and the reality there is no such thing.  Starting small makes you very likely to start, and good things happen when people start.

Then repeat then...

  • Practice
  • Practice
  • Practice

Consider the knowledge you already have — the things you really know you can do. They are the things you have done over and over; practiced them so often that they became second nature. Every normal person knows how to walk and talk. But he could never have acquired this knowledge without practice. For the young child can’t do the things that are easy to older people without first doing them over and over and over.

Most of us quit on the first or second attempt. But the person who is really going to be educated, who intends to know, is going to stay with it until it is done.

Just start and stop the procrastination - the repeat and practice, practice, practice.

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